Let me tell you why I'm so jazzed up about them. A couple of days ago I woke up with my neck in pain. I rolled over and awoke several hours later with the same pain. After several days of this worsening situation, I could barely move my head side to side or up and down without some pain. My range of motion was very limited. Out of real need, I called up the masseuse and scheduled a half-an-hour massage for thirty bucks. She laid me down on the table and began massaging the areas I said where painful with essential oils. And, before I knew it the half our was over and I could move my neck again. It wasn't perfect as I still had some minor pain, but it was a significant improvement.
Now I can move my head and am taking her advice to make sure it doesn't happen again. I sleep with a pillow under my knees for lower back support and I sleep on my back for neck support. Moral of the story: Massages are like, one of the best things ever invented by man and you should totally get one if you can. If you can't you should guilt one of your family members or friends into getting you one. Non-professional ones are still good(but they are a pale comparison).
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