Sunday, October 26, 2008

I actually spent the weekend at my apartment

This is interesting because I have been in my apartment for two weekends of the last month and a half. I usually get this surge of euphoria on a friday, during the last hours of work when I think of what it would be like to visit Potsdam. Then I just take off and go. It is totally worth it, but it shows my lack of self-control.

Well, this weekend wasn't anything special. I spent most of the time sleeping and watching t.v. I did a bit of cleaning, but nothing spectacular. I mostly just called up friends and family on the phone to see how they were doing, when I wasn't lazing around. So there you have it. I have been a couch potato for this weekend, and it wasn't as boring as I thought it would be.

At least I found some interesting things to watch on the internet...

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