Off all the digital machines man has created the lowly printer is the most temperamental of them all. No matter how you try to please it or follow it's rules it always finds a reason why you are to dumb to use it.
"PC load letter... what the f^$% does that mean???," is probably the most infamous quote from the movie Office Space, illustrating a very valid point: printers will always send you error messages no matter what, even if you follow all of their rules. Even if you take the ten hours to install all of it's drivers, search town or the internet for just the right toner, and spoon feed it paper to that it does not jam it will still not operate properly with out close attention.
I swear, they are like infants. Walk away from it for two seconds and it starts choking on paper; or spitting up black stuff. Why are printers the subject of my rage? Two reasons, the first being that I am super stressed out and secondly because I was working at my library job this morning and the printer started hating life. It ran out of paper, then after refilling it "processed" for a half an hour, then it said that the cartridge was loose, after that we restarted it and it had to "spool up" for twenty minutes. What the heck is "spooling up" anyway!?
I day-dreamed of acting out the scene below, just for fun. To walk out into a field with the bane of my job lying there ready to be brutalized by my heavy oak baseball bat. That would be great fun.
Well, I have to make lunch and then study for the rest of my life. For those who are interested there is a new message board to the left, in the sidebar. You don't have to register to use it just type your name in so everyone knows who is commenting and write what-ever you like. I would put something interesting about my life up, but as you all have heard in my last blog... All I do is study.
Hope I pass electromagnetic fields and waves...
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