Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Blogging on the run

It's 10:44am and I have a class in 15ish minutes, so this ones going to be brief. My Electromagnetic Fields and Waves test is tonight and I am totally stressing, pretty hardcore. I studied the past two days nonstop and I have until tonight at 6pm to continue practicing. I'm really weak in this subject and I set up an appointment to talk to the professor about determining something and he was so nice to me, and said "Boy, if you can't get this down by the test then your pretty much going to fail." I have a general idea of how to treat it but I still need to sharpen up. Not giving up though, this guy isn't going to get rid of me until the bitter end.

Other than the test tonight things are pretty o.k. Ashli(my girlfriend) is back from her college's spring break. Our fraternity alumni weekend is this friday through sunday, so I'm pretty excited about that. And, I'm finally getting information back from Raymond Corp. The big day is May 19th ! I'm told that orientation will be the first two days. Probably alot of signing, tours, and videos but I dont care since I am being paid. I'll update you as to what I am doing for my projects as soon as I am told.


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