Sunday, April 20, 2008

Dead Week

Also known as hell week.

In approximately ten days I will be taking my final exams. The week preceding the final exams is know to Clarkson students as dead week. The name implies all the information you need to understand dead week. Everyone restricts themselves to a life of studying, sleeping, eating, and hygiene along with class attendance. I will also be subscribing to this lifestyle. It will be tough but it will ensure that I will do adequately on my exams. I find the best way to de-stress during this time is to go over all of the material that I have relearned or become proficient at and to also remember that doing more work now means doing less work under less stress later.

There will probably be either very few or many blogs this week. Few if I am a good student and focus on my school work and many if I desire to write about what is going on in order to take time to relax.

gotta jet, peace out hommies

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