Friday, September 26, 2008

Public Restrooms are evil

I don't know about you, but I can barely step foot in a public bathroom these days. Everything about the experience is unpleasant. It's an assault on the senses, and that is not the worst part! The worst part is that there are always individuals in there to make it worse. For instance, even if there are thirty open urinals; someone has to take the one right beside me and then start talking. If I choose to sit in one of the stalls then someone's foot is always edging it's way under the stall wall. All right all right, I will stop the needless ranting and break it down for you sense by sense.


Everything is always wet. Every try grabbing a handle of a toilet and find that your hand got wet?


Have you noticed that every public bathroom in the world has the same fluorescent pure whit light that flickers so fast you risk a seizure?

One of the worst, I hate hearing people do their business. I also hate hearing the heavy breathing and sighs of relief that come with the "business."

Sometimes, when conditions are just right, you can taste everything you smell in a bathroom. Almost enough to make you get sick.

Possibly the most disgusting thing about the public restroom is the smell. I will not go into detail as you already know why.

And that is why I use the guest bathroom...

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