Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Have you ever noticed that when someone tells you about their dream it is always a very significant event? The person who is listening could probably care less what you hallucinated, but you are completely sure that they must hear what happend. Well in order to further this stereotype I am going to tell you about the amazing dream I had the other night.

I'll spare you all of the details and the entire dream sequence and just get to the good part. I dreamed that I was in a western european city at night. The wind was very strong and was almost shooting straight up. I realized that if I held my arms out to my sides that there would be enough lift to carry me up into the air even though I still weighed about 200 pounds. But anyway, I had to make the choice between having an exhilarating ride into the sky and flying around like a leaf and risk being impaled on something after the wind died down or staying on the ground and being safe.

Obviously I chose to fly up into the air. I swirled around in every direction. I looked down and realized I was hundreds of feet in the air. It was exiting but also terrifying. I continued to fly around for a while free from the ground before the wind eventually died out and I was forced to try to make it to the ground safely somehow. I hit a huge pine tree and tried to grab on to it's branches as I plumited to the ground. I was unsuccessful and hit the ground back first. I didn't die though. I wasn't even hurt. I stood up and continued onto the next part of the dream sequence.

Fun stuff...

1 comment:

gulten kuram said...


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