Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Chin Beard

Also known as a "Goatee" the chin beard dates back to it's first popularization in the late nineteenth century. The "Goatee" is characterized by at least a small tuft of hair on the chin of a male. It's name is derived from the tuft of hair seen on the lower jaw of the the male goat. This is my new topic of discussion because of an age old desire I have secretly had. I have always wanted to have thick, dark facial hair. Unfortunately, I was not handed the genetic materials for it. I can't grow a mustache, and my chin hair is pathetically sparse. However, I can grow a thick neck beard. But, a neck beard is far from what I desire.

Every time I set out to grow one, I am frustrated by the slow rate of hair growth and the intense stiffness of the hairs. It is almost unbearable to endure. I get frustrated several days into the experiment and shave it all off. And, it isn't like I can go days without shaving either. It's too thin to grow out but to thick to leave unattended. It is such a thorn in my side to deal with.

On the bright side, my chin hair has been growing thicker as time passes. So, I guess my only option is to wait it out. And, that is what I will do. Below are two images. The first one is of my goatee and the second one is off my ideal goatee.

It's just too much for me. The stiffness and iriation are overcomming me. By the time you have read this I will have already gotten rid of the facial hair because I am now getting up out of my chair and headed to the bathroom with a facial razor and shaving cream in hand.

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