Monday, September 22, 2008

a low after a high

Man, this weekend was great! I got to spend four full days with my friends, family, and girlfriend. I slept in, ate good food, went to a couple of get togethers, and enjoyed myself. I enjoyed myself so much, in fact, that when I got back to my apartment I became a little depressed.

You see, For the time being I am working in a little town called Greene doing a six month co-op. The place is nice and clean, but dreadfully small. I try to stay as active as possible. I participate in karate, visit home whenever fiscally possible, and work out; but there is only so much one person can do in a small town.

But I digress, I walked into the apartment that I was in to much of a hurry to clean the week before and my heart sank. Now, my life isn't all that bad. There are plenty of people who would love to have my life. I am healthy, have many good friends, a wonderful girlfriend, and I have very supportive family. I guess my point is that I do complain, but I am very appreciative of all that I have worked for and been given.

But, back to my story. I walked into my apartment at 8:00 p.m., and it was dark. I flick on the big light and drop my bags on the floor near the door. Immediately; every corner, nook, and crannie is bathed in blindingly bright white light. Half of my apartment is still pitch black, and it is very chilly. I look around and realize that the only living things there are the fish that haven't been fed in days.

To top it all off I have a terrible cold and cannot take any time off work to recuperate. More decaffeinated green tea for me please.

To get back to the main point, I have to say that my day today has been terribly depressing by comparison to the past few days. I guess I am going to have to become a more robust person and learn how to make my quality of life better in the face of solitude.

Got any suggestions?...

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