Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Zone

The moment of truth is rapidly approaching...

So, it is 11:02am on wensday April ninth and its only 3 hours before I take my road test. I'm nervous and trying not to get sucked into "the zone." For those who do not know, "the zone" is the state I and the rest of my classmates get into before an exam of any kind. When in "the zone" you think of few things other than what your being tested on. Your mind mules over what you have learned and the examples you have worked through. You focus the minutia of your studies that you think may have paramount importance (or just as likely be completely worthless). The only other thoughts that pass through your mind are your basic instincts (pain, hunger, tired, etc.) and how your going to deal with the possible outcomes of your test.

You, under no circumstances, should begin to think about what your going to do after your test while in the zone. This also goes for thinking about relaxing. If you begin to think about relaxing after your test you will lose focus. You waste time, you should be using to think about useful information, and increase the likely hood of failure.

Yeah, "the zone" is intense and I usually try to reserve the experience for finals and midterms, but I feel "the zone" pulling me in. Oh well, I have three hours and I am just going to work off some nervous energy and lightly remember all the stereotypical things you need to know for the test.

Check your mirrors, head checks, smooth transitions, observe right of way........

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