Thursday, April 3, 2008

Closin' down the library


I'm in the library here at Clarkson procrastinting a little bit and its 20mins from closing. I should really be studying so I can go home shower and sleep, but hey I want a little break.

The test I am studying for is my Digital Controls test, which takes place tommorow(friday) at 11am sharp. That kinda sucks if you think about it, why have test that early in the morning? Oh well, at least I'll get it done and over with. It's open note/open book and I did well on the last one so I think that this one should be ok. There is only a few things I need to bone up on and I set up and appointment with the professor to meet like an hour before the exam. hmmm... maybe I can pump him for intel, ehh maybe not.

The procrastination is setting in now, gotta fight it. I feel it's cold fingers feeling there way around my neck. They're trying to pull me down into the abyss of unproductiveness, but I jerk my arm upward at the last minute. I grab on to the last piece of focus I have in my brain and use it to remember that I need to do well in this course. With the fear of failure as my ally as I throw procrastination's hold off and wretch free. Safe for another day....

But wait... its 11pm

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