Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Couch Surfing

As many of you well know, I am commuting from Massena to Clarkson University this semester. This is suplimented by the fact that I have good friends and a girlfriend over at a nearby university. So, I sleep over at her dorm from time to time.

Recently I discovered that my wheel bearing was going bad, well I should say that I heard a nasty vibrating noise that scared me. So, I didn't want to drive on it until I got it looked at, at a garage. As a result I stayed at my girlriend's dorm and then some friend's couch and then my girlfriends again and then my friends couch again. It made me feel really *&^#ing disposesed. However, I brought it on myself.

But, I want to share with you what it's like to sleep on a friends couch in his dorm. First of all the dorm was cold at night. Secondly, the couch was small and uncomfortable; so I had to curl up like a fetus which was very uncomfortable. So, I tried sleeping on the floor I thought "maybe it will be more comfortable if I spread out my body, even though it's a carpet covered concrete floor. If you have never slept on a concrete floor there is somethign you should know: all of you body heat gets sucked into the cold floor. And, since the floor is so wide the heat just keeps diffusing, like a heat sink, and never warms up. So back onto the couch I went. Thirdly, college people stay up late and like to go grab snacks at 3a.m. and wake you up when you have to get up 4hours later. Fourthly and finally, I had no alarm clock so I had my girlfriend call me at 6:45a.m. However, you cannot hit the snooze button on a phone call to wake you up fifteen minutes later so you end up lucky to wake up 45mins later. All in all, I got some rest but I will be happy to sleep in my beautiful queen sized bed again.

There is actually a website called where you can hook up with people who will let you sleep on their couch for free. It is very interesting but I'm not trusting so I probably wouldn't do it. But feel free to check it out.


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