Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's Really Coming Down Now

I love winter. I may be one of the few who does, but it remains my favorite season. Winter means relax and respite. It is still and quite. You can fall down without repercussion. I can stand outside and know that I am one of the few warm little centers of life in a bleak and unforgiving environment. I was born in the winter, my sister was born in the winter, my mother was born in the winter and my love was born in the winter.

Winter is the best time of year.

1 comment:

Dr.Alistair said...

yes there are merits to a blanket of the withe stuff.

four wheel drifts, snnowboarding, snowball fights.....

skinny roadbike tires at 120psi really don`t like it though.

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