Thursday, November 19, 2009

Turkey Day is almost here!

I am so excited that thanksgiving is almost here! Of my all time favorite holidays thanksgiving comes in at an extremely close second to Christmas, and for good reason. What could be better than sitting around with almost a week off from school just eating really good food and feeling no guilt about it? Almost nothing, that's what.

Just thinking about that food is making me salivate. The mashed potatoes and gravy, the turkey cooked to buttery perfection, the candied yams, the delicious green beans, the cranberries, the pumpkin pie, the apple pie, the ice cream. It's almost enough to make me pass out in a diabetic comma.

Long story short, I'm exited about thanksgiving for three reasons. The first reason is the time off from school. The second reason is the food. The third reason is that my girlfriend will probably be with us for the holiday. This is great not only because I love spending time with her but also because my sister will be gone and Ashli will fill the empty spot at our table.

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